About Artist
1959年 | 上海に生まれる。Shanghai Children’s Palaceで9歳のときに初個展。 |
1976年 | Shanghai Art Academy(上海芸術学院)に入学。欧州絵画の伝統的技法をロシア人の教授などから学ぶ。 卒業後、Jiao-Tung 大学で教鞭をとる。 |
1985年 | アメリカに渡る。 |
1986年 | カリフォルニア州立大学での個展を契機に米国に移住。 背景には文化大革命で体験した辛い思いがある。 |
1990年 | この年以降、作品がクリースティーズ・オークションなどに出展され高値を付ける。 |
CHASE CHEN Chase Chen is an internationally recognized artist, renown for his virtuoso technique in creating representative works of art.
Born in Shanghai in 1959, he trained at the Shanghai Art Academy, one of China’s top art colleges, and later taught fine arts at the prestigious Jiao Tung University.
“My sensibility is very much from Shanghai,” he observes. “I’m a perfectionist. I believe there must be some truth in what I am doing. The world of my art echoes ordinariness. I don’t believe ostensible subject. I know those who shares my experience, my work will be close to their heart. ”
Chen is a romantic, possessed of lofty integrity. He approaches his work with a smoldering vigor and iron discipline. His goals are an almost unattainable perfection. He is a stunning portraitist. Recent years he has been painting his friend’s family. He is trying to generate a passage of time that is parallel to life. His brushwork conveys a painterliness that makes the surface appear to vibrate. People are drawn to his method as much as to the subject depicted.
Today the artist is based in Los Angeles, but he frequently travels back to China, to which he continues to feel close personal ties. His drawings and paintings have found avid collectors, and he enjoys a busy international exhibition schedule. Chen has shown at art galleries from Nina Frost in Santa Monica to the Forum Gallery in New York; from Mitsukoshi Department Store in Tokyo to ARTE Gallery in Karuizawa and in Kyoto. His drawings and paintings have been featured in prestigious art fairs such as Art Asia in Hong Kong, Art Miami, and Art Singapore. In 2006 he was part of a group show at the noted Shanghai Art Museum.
Chase’s work was often shown at Christie’s auction. Many images were placed at centre fold of the catalog, one on the cover. 2007 Guardian auction, (most important auction house in China.) The image was place at center fold of the catalog.
His recent travels back to Shanghai have opened his eyes to an evolving metropolis, a world-class city bursting with commerce, enterprise, and creativity. This inspired in him a desire to create something for the city, something which will be lasting, meaningful, and forward-looking. And thus the “Sprout” project.
チェース・チェン|CHASE CHEN
チェースはとても気高い誠実さを持つロマンティストです。制作する際には粘り強い精神力と鉄のような抑制で作品に向き合います。彼が到達すべき目標としているのは殆ど達成できないような完全さです。 チェースは素晴らしい肖像画家です。作家は、或る日ある時の場面が人生そのものを感じさせるような作品を描こうと試みているのです。 チェースの筆使いは作品の画面に生命感をもたらそうとする絵画的な特質を有しています。観る側は作家のこのような描き方によって描かれている世界に引き込まれてゆくのです。
また、上海万博の際には、上海が国際都市として商業、経済活動において創造性あふれる活力ある都市に変貌している姿にインスピレーションを受けて、彫刻作品 SPROUT (新芽)のプロジェクトが立ち上がり、前を向き永続する意味のあるものの象徴として制作されました。そして万博の会場内に展示されました。